Colton Underwood, former ‘Bachelor’ star, says he is gay

“This year has been a lot for a lot of people and it has probably caused a lot of people to look at themselves and find out who they are during the year,” Underwood said. “I ran away from myself for a long time, I hated myself for a long time. I’m gay. I agreed on it earlier this year, and the next step in it all was to let people know. I’m the happiest and healthiest in my life. It means the world to me. ‘

The former star of ‘The Bachelor’ of ABC has said he wishes he had accepted his truth earlier.

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“I had a variety of reactions and the most common underlying was, ‘I wish you would have told me sooner,’ and when I heard that I would have had a little more confidence in my friends and family,” Underwood said. ‘The only reason I’m going to sit with you today is because I have the love and support of my friends and family.

Underwood stars on season 23 of the popular show. He was making headlines at the time because he was open about the fact that he remained a virgin. The Indiana native was named after the Indianapolis Colts, and he played for three NFL teams, including the San Diego Chargers, the Philadelphia Eagles and the Oakland Raiders.
He was previously in a high-profile relationship with Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman. During his time on the program, he quickly fell in love with contestant Cassie Randolph, and after the final finale of the program, they went out until April 2020. Randolph filed a restraining order against Underwood, but eventually she abandoned it.

Underwood talked about his sexuality in his book, “The First Time: Finding Myself and Looking for Love on Reality TV”.

In it, he said going out with Randolph helped him realize he was straight.

“[The show taught me] that I’m straight and that I’m very, very attracted to Cassie and women – but it would have been OK if it had been the other way around, “Underwood told Entertainment Tonight.” I think that’s the biggest message I have. has for people. ‘

Following his announcement on Wednesday, GLAAD issued a statement in support of Colton.

“Every journey of LGBTQ to discover and accept their authentic selves is different, and Colton Underwood’s decision to share his truth with the public reminds us that there is no set timeline for coming out,” Anthony said. Allen Ramos, the talent head of GLAAD, said. “Given the great and loyal fandom that Colton knows from ‘The Bachelor’, his outcome and discussion of his faith will hopefully open the eyes of the millions out and proud LGBTQ people who are also people of the faith.”
