In the Argentine ‘superclassical’ antesala that will be this domingo (16:00 pm) in La Bombonera, River Plate and Boca Juniors will take place in a duel of the reserve, in which the millionaire is forced, one more brilliant action by Colombian Flabián Londoño. Looking for merits for a possible Marcelo Gallardo first team. Cabe records that in the antiquated antiquity he was involved in various opportunities.
“Nada como ganar un Superclásico. Con gol de Londoño Bedoya, derrotó 1-0 a Boca y se quedó con el Superclásico de División Reserva”, publi el viernes el milonario team sober la victoria frente al xeneize, al que se medirán este domingo por la Superliga Argentina.
Who is Flabián Londoño? The millionaire joya in the reserve is a Colombian and has 20 years. Nació en Ebéjico (Antioquia) y is primo de exfutbolista Gerardo Bedoya, jugador que paso por Racing, Colón y Boca Juniors. Hoy su sobrino tiene enloecidos a los aficionados de River, que inclus lo loan with Falcao García por sus conditioni como “moordenaar”.
London has played six matches and has scored three goals in the reserve championship (consecutively), bringing victory to its team. Hecho the technician Gallardo the vien following the very steps of searching. The antiquated attacker “lobbies” in the professional team, in which he has the opportunity to train on one occasion.
Cabe points out that in addition to Flabian, River also has a reserve with central defender Thomas Gutiérrez, who joined the Argentine team after being captain of the independent team of Independiente Medellín. También is also part of Colombia’s selections.

Thomas Gutiérrez played with DIM until 2018.
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