Colombia ratifies its protagonism in the region – Column by Ivan Duque – Columnists – Opinion

The BID Annual Assembly, deliberations centered on pandemic derivatives and key to recovery, tend to be just like the main protagonist in Colombia, only to be originated from Barranquilla’s city council, China, on indudable liderazgo that our country has launched in the regional and international context.

A position that has been reconciled only with impact decisions in the region and the world, such as the Temporary Status of Migrant Protection, because our country presides over very important organizations such as the Andean Community of Nations, the Pacific Alliance, the Recent for the Progress and Integration of America of the South (Prosur) and, now, the Assembly of Governors of the BID.

The certification will be completed from 17 to 21 March and will meet with the participation – of virtual and present manner – of authorities and leaders of the public and private sectors of the region. For Colombia, meeting the agenda, the agenda has a special interest in four fundamental themes for our government: regional integration, climate change and biodiversity, sustainable economic activation and digital governance.

As part of the meeting, on March 16, we will preside over the Extraordinary Session of Prosur, in which we will discuss strategies to address the crisis caused by the pandemic, we will share experiences in the initiation of evacuation and traceability mechanisms.

During this BID assembly, a series of agreements, agreements and works for the country will be materialized, in various sectors key to the economy and development.

In the market of the Assembly we will also discuss in depth the situation of Venezuelan migration, organized by Canada, which presides over the Conference of Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees Venezuelans, and we will hear Experiences from the Center economics’.

From here, the agenda of the meeting has a strong component in ambient matter. The program contemplates deliberations on the ‘Sustainable Development of the Amazon region’, ‘Colombia and the Caribbean’s climatic resilience’, ‘Colombia’s road to COP26’ and ‘The PreCOP15 on biodiversity, the Amazon and biodiversity initiatives’ .

Martes will present the technical studies for the tender for the Magdalena River project, with which we will complete a high-profile campaign: the recovery of navigation in this important fluid corridor, which will be established in a hit for. Also in the Assembly we will present the book ‘Energy Transition: A Legacy for the Present and the Future of Colombia’, which explains why our country is leading regional and renewable energy in conventional ways.

Similarly, there will be an opportunity to officialize the initiation of the modernization and digital transformation of the judiciary in Colombia, as it responds to the clamor of Colombians for being the most efficient and co-mayoral.

And a topic that can fail in the week of discussions is the orange economy. Therefore, in events such as ‘Creative Future’, we will be reviewing the impact of the pandemic in the creative industries, for example, on the introduction of innovative products.

During this BID assembly in Colombia, a series of agreements, agreements and services for the country will be implemented, in various key sectors for the economy and development. And on the part of the certamen we will host the event ‘The new agenda of equality after the pandemic’.

Undoubtedly, the agenda of the BID 2021 reunion has for our country a huge contribution to contribute, from the front lines, to the impetus of the Compromise of Colombia, a roadmap to promote social inversion, job creation and creation. sustainable, and to continue supporting the Colombians, and especially vulnerable to the most.

President of Colombia
