Colombia Authorizes Pfizer Vacuum Emergency Use

(CNN Español) – The National Institute of Vigilance of Medicines and Foods of Colombia (Invima) authorized this March the emergence of the vaccine against the cofid-19 of Pfizer and BioNTech, according to President Ivan Duque.

“This is a very important step, as we will also be advancing with AstraZeneca and also with Janssen, and also – for support – with all the facilities within the Covax strategy”, explained the mandate from Cartagena.

In previous days, Colombia had announced agreements for the 49 million vacancies — one and two doses — for the evacuation of 29 million people.

And Colombia, turned off the initiation of the pandemic, confirming the 1,702,966 positive cases of covid-19 and 44,426 deaths related to the virus.
