Not many of the Palace of the Conventions of La Habana, since the passing of the VIII Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), are looking for a centenarian with the mascara puesta sewing a cola. Although the coronavirus pandemic in these days is in its infancy, we are keeping a safe distance. It is mediocre, the thermometer marks 31º and only has one eyeball that darkens in the surroundings of a tent where this Saturday is covered in chicken, the main protein of the Cuban diet — when it appears—. Nadie moves the file where some five-hour-olds hope to buy Cuban pesos in an unseasonably poor trade.
One of the most attractive frames has other products with many more products that can only be used with a magnetic card associated with an account called MLC, Moneda Liberemente Convertible, replenished with dollars, euros and other foreign divisions. These new statements were made by Raúl Castro in his information during the VIII Congress, to ensure that “the extreme situation of liquidity shortage obliges to reintroduce the sales in the world of convertible books”, while saying that the “loss in time” will be ” recover and fortify the economy ”.
In the establishment for magnetic cards of the 70th, in the bar of Miramar, the cola is also gigantic, but it has to pay the food and products of primary necessity in one month to what many Cubans can access. The conversations on the street mean the people hope their agobio. A housewife has been asked to read the latest invoice from Luz. More than a thousand pounds, equivalent to 40 dollars in the official exchange, so that, dice, duras penas alcanza to pay with its monthly increments. There are five times more than you can afford.
A man claims that a seller last week offered a packet of machine guns for 700 pesos. “The man in the car,” said the young man, working in a state center. “My salary was 900 pesos and with the monetary reform I paid him more than 4,000, but the price of everything was lost”, explains. His calculation is that he and the Mayor of the Cubans lost the property of his acquiring power from which he began to enter the designated Tarea Ordenamiento. “A ball of 10 books of half a peso in a national monetary union 193 pesos, but those who can count on selling double or triple in order not to have to make the cola”, assures Mayelín, who confesses that she is dedicated al trapicheo para sobrevivir.
The anguish of not being able to read at the end of the month has been installed in the majority of Cuban hogares and sale in all cases. The authorities are conscious of the fact that it is a vital contribution, not for the sake of opportunity, the sitting in the debate of the Economic and Social Commission of the VIII Congress of the PCC. Some delegates subscribe to the suppression of the rationing book, in force from the age of 60, which offers all Cubans food and basic necessities with subsidized prices — just as they have been through reform. “If hubiese a stable level of offer freed the lost book lost. But we do not have a stable level of offer, but there is another alternative that will maintain an administrative distribution, ”said Alejandro Gil, Minister of the Economy.
In the colleges close to the Palace of the Conventions, there is no such thing as expectant divorce in which the VIII Congress will translate into the best quality of life of the people. The mayor does not have to have a debate. In the historic case of La Habana Vieja, where there are numerous private shops, restaurants and bars — very close or only for sale during the pandemic bill — some buyers declare that the situation is very serious. The causes are the structural crisis of the productive system, the effects of the pandemic and the recovery of the embargo imposed by the Trump administration. Employers will hope that the joint conference “will have a serious opening”.
“No more remedy”, says the daughter of a famous paladar. Without embarrassment, he expresses his “discontinuation” of Raúl Castro’s reference to the “limits” that must be applied to the development of the private initiative. During his briefing during the congress, Raúl Castro defended the restrictions that some professionals own due to their own property and also acted contrary to the complaint regarding “private commercial importation” and the establishment of “a trading system”. “These are questions that can not generate confusion. There are limits to what we can do to prevent the destruction of socialism, because the consequences are irreversible and lead to strategic mistakes and the destruction of socialism, and thus to the sovereignty of the nation “, assured.
There are those who have a medium vacation, and those who want to go, with fear, a full middle. A proponent calls the attention about the wronged Saturday in one of the committees in which the congress works, to discuss the legalization of the pimps — if it is said in the conclave, then he will have up to 100 workers—. “I’m optimistic because I’m not taking any more remedies,” concludes the seller.