CNN mocks ‘Flyin’ Ted ‘Cruz, but Cuomo’s nicknames appear to be out of bounds,’ The Gov. Reaper? ‘

“The governor-mower?”

CNN faced a spate of setbacks over the weekend for mocking Texas Senator Ted Cruz while sparring New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo despite his coronavirus nursing home scandal.

Social media users quickly called on the liberal network to take shots at the Texas senator, with several sarcastic references, while deliberately expressing the scandal that enchants Cuomo’s administration.


“Ted Cruz was named ‘Flyin’ Ted ‘and’ Cancun Cruz ‘on CNN yesterday. “Why don’t they give Andrew Cuomo any clever nicknames?” wrote a Twitter user and suggested “The Gov Reaper or something.”

Cruz ended up in hot water late Wednesday after photos appeared on social media showing him and his family flying to Mexico for a vacation, as Texas was left behind due to deadly winter storms that devastated the state’s power grid. Cruz flies back to Houston the next day amid the setback. He later admitted that it was a mistake to travel at the time, but not before earning the nicknames “Flyin ‘Ted” and “Cancun Cruz” from the liberal network.

Government Cuomo, the older brother of CNN host Chris Cuomo, has put unprecedented pressure to reduce and divert Democrats’ controversies. The left-wing network gave little or no airtime to further developments in the pandemic – and often offered the younger Cuomo free rein to conduct friendly, comic interviews with the scandal-ridden governor.

One Twitter user called the network because he apparently wanted to take a page from former President Trump’s playbook, after dismissing his nicknames as ‘divisive’ and ‘hateful’ for years.

“I seem to remember a man who gave people clever nicknames that the same people called ‘divisive’ and ‘hateful,'” he wrote.

“How CNN’s Trumpian gives Ted Cruz nicknames,” said another.

Cuomo’s government is reportedly being investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn after critics accused officials of covering the true number of COVID deaths in the state’s nursing home. Early in the pandemic, the governor ordered emergency care facilities to accept COVID-positive patients to keep hospital beds free.

While both Cruz and Cuomo generated unflattering headlines, only one of them dominated CNN’s first lineup this weekend – and it was not Cuomo.

CNN did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Fox News is Joseph. A. Wulfson contributed to this report.
