CNE proclaims numerical results confirming Guillermo Lasso’s second victory | Politics | Notice

A total of 4 ‘656,426 (52.36%) of the voters apoyaron al binomio presidencial de la Alianza CREO-PSC, in response to Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero.

By unanimous form, the votes of the five electoral members of the Electoral National Council (CNE) shall be approved, the calendar of this House, the report of the final results of the second electoral roll for President and Vice-President of the Republic proclaimed here the totalized numerical results, from the day of April 11th, that confirmman Guillermo Lasso and Alfredo Borrero became President of Ecuador, with 52.36% of the vote.

The National Electoral Council culminates in the 100% scrutiny of acts by the President and Vice-President

The approval of the report and the proclamation of numerical results were given one day before the plenum of the CNE convenes the electoral numerical results of the jurisdictions of Morona Santiago, Pastaza, United States and Canada, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Latin America, The Caribbean and Africa. The reading of these dates, during the continuation of the Public Audience of Escrutinios, does not involve any observation on the part of the councilors.

There are no pending appeals to resolve, the reading of the final report on the results of the dignity of President and Vice-President of the Republic revealed that 4,665,426 (52.36%) of voters support Lasso’s candidacy; while Arauz responded with his vote of 4,236,515 (47.64%).

En esta segunda vuelta elections have a total of 174,349 (1.61%) white votes and 1,761,433 (16.26%) votes nulos. A total of 13,107,457 voters set up empadronados, habilitaron 39,985 junta receptors of the vote and evidence a total of sufragantes of 10′829,823.

The Vice President of the CNE, Enrique Pita, assures that with 100% of the results Electoral Obtained in National-Level Acts and outside it complements an important step in Ecuador’s democratic life. “It has been demonstrated that we are an honest society, respecting honor, dignity and democratic principles.”

Please note that a further 2.03% of citizens will be present to vote in the April 11th election day and that “only” will they vote. 6.72% off zero votes in this second electoral election with respect to the first held on February 7th.

The results are known to indicate the dominance of this domain by the CNE plenum observed in Morona Santiago, Pastaza, United States and Canada, and Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. Favorable vote to Guillermo Lasso with 69.21%, 73.37%, 53.27% and 53.35%, respectively.

Cambio, the running candidate Andrés Arauz only won the majority of votes in the electoral jurisdiction of Europe, Asia and Oceania. Ahí Arauz beat Lasso with 63.59% of the vote, respecting 36.41%.

Ausentismo fue ‘minor’ in the elections of the second presidential branch

Councilor Esthela Acero explained that the two political organizations are one of these results, can make use of the established resources in the Code of Democracy. “This electoral process has its limp, transparent and respected law of ecuadorian people expressed in the polls.”

For his part, Luis Verdesoto, the councilor, explained that one of these results has been obtained, and that within the limits of the appeals process that appears, CNE has the largest labor, and lo que respecta to the “aggregation of the voluntariness of the ecuatorians”.

“This is the protagonism of the day of being ours and it is not to be seen of those who are elected, of whom they are he was elected President of Ecuador and for the National Assembly. This is the basic function of this collegiate body, ”said Verdesoto. (I)
