Club America: Jaidy Gutiérrez publishes a controversial message against a teammate | MX Femenil League

The controversy, the undisciplines, the double-edged messages and the bad moves in the Parisian locker are all inherent in the Mexican footballer. This opportunity is due to the fact that only soles in masculine football, as well as in women.

Jaidy Gutiérrez, Portera de América, calentó las redes sociales un un polemic messagje que staba dirigido a una companaria. Well, the few minutes have passed, the users will be able to capture it for posterity.

“I do not want to be your master, I want to work for my team and superarm me, I do not want to be comparing contigo. I work hard”, había señalado la profesional de 19 años op Twitter.

All Indian rumors that the same man was directed to Natalia Acuña, the guardian who went to Las Aguila following Queretaro for this Aperture 2020. The authorities of the team of Coapa, for its part, tomarán medidas.

With a record of a victory and a case in the actual certamen, America enfrentará mañana a Mazatlán for the third year of the MX Femenil League.

  • Jaidy Gutiérrez
  • Club America
  • Natalia Acuña
  • MX Femenil League
