‘clean eating’ has no meaningful meaning

On determined occasions, the ‘erroneous’ use of the words puede ser peligroso. Querer decir una cosa no es lo mismo que decirla. Now, depending on the trends that come from the other lado del charco, is a popular new type of food, the ‘eat clean‘, que en español sería algo así como’comer limpiamente‘. As human beings, we tend to relacionar ‘limpio’ con bueno y, como is logical, sucio con malo. But in addition to affecting so much to our well-being as the committee, we must say that ‘limpio’ is not, let alone, salutable. ‘N This is the conclusion of the investigators Suman Ambwani, Meghan Shippe, Ziting Gao y S. Bryn Austin of Dickinson College, in the state of Pennsylvania, in United States.

“The participants’ positive actions ante the ‘clean eating’ extreme, which is unpleasant”

The problem, explains the researchers, is that the simple use of the word ‘limpio’ can be decommissioned in that we associate clearly healthy diets, because of the nutrition of nutrients or the presence of nutritious substances for our organism, in the concept of ‘saludable’ . To get to know his studio, the scientists hiccuped that 150 campus students defined, with its own words, lo que era el ‘clean eat’. Además, se les pidió que leyesen 5 definitions of diets, que pusiesen nota a cada una ellas en la ‘escalud saludable’ y que dijesen si estarían dispuestos a seguirlas o no. On the other hand, as explained by investigator Suman Ambwani, “the responses vary, but the participants are more likely to choose the ‘diet diets’, Independently of if you can cause problems in the work, in its social relations or, including, in its psychic or physical property “.

“It is preoccupying that the participants tuvieran actitudes positivas acerca de las dietas ‘clean eats’ extremas, capable of provoking estrangements and transgressors ”, signals the scientist. “We know that a diet in itself can increase the risk of overeating foods, because we need to urgently need diets that we can in principle disembark on this type of illness,” the investigator said.

Photo: iStock.
Photo: iStock.

Dado que ‘limpio’ is a word that, in the world of food, is referred to as something extraordinary specifics, como ‘limpiar’ un fishing o ‘limpiar’ la tierra de unos champiñones, su uso as synonym of ‘sano’ is based on su association with other words. What study subjects related to the term ‘clean’ make reference to comida ‘rights’, organic, proximity, vegetable, hecha en casa… The best punto parece is a good price. But the participants will continue to enumerate concepts that are associated with ‘limpio’, and these are pasaban de castaño oscuro: sinful gluten, probe grain y no laughter. These three components (although the first ones are very related to each other) son fundamentals of a balanced diet, about everything in a vegetarian, in the amount of nutrients he has to get from the eggs and the liver (like vitamins B12 and D). In addition, it reacts not only to gluten consumption (which is inoculated always and when not related to this 2% of the Spanish population that suffers from celiac disease, intolerance to gluten or celiac allergy to gluten), as well as the consumption of other cereals such as arroz, maize, the sarracen tricus, centeno, avena…, limit in the middle consumption of dietary fiber (presented in the varied integral of these cereals) as the access to carbonated hydrates, which is part of a healthy diet and which suppresses the horror of our energetic diary contribution.

As the investigators point out, today, today, they have not been able to agree on what exactly ‘clean eat’ or ‘how clean’ means. As the author of the studio, Suman Ambwani, “The results of this work evidence that it is necessary to train consumers for what it is capable of distinguish between confidential information sources and other cases with a clear fraudulent character, in which food and nutrition habits change ”.
