Claudia López: Bogotá’s Alcaldesa is Disclosed in His Statements Against Venezuelan Migrants | International

Alcaldesa Claudia López during an event in Bogotá to commemorate the first year of the coronavirus pandemic.
Alcaldesa Claudia López during an event in Bogotá to commemorate the first year of the coronavirus pandemic.DANIEL MUNOZ / AFP

The Alcaldesa of Bogotá, Claudia López, of the progressive party Alianza Verde, has been accused by the recent statements in which she agitated the xenophobia against the Venezuelan migrants in the capital of the main country of a diaspora that is above five million people . “Approve the occasion to apologize. These times have referred me to the topic of the migrant population and these times have caused a controversy that is not what we want to cause. What we want to explain is that we are facing a challenge. All, no import of vengeance ”, says López these Jews, a week after having mentioned the presence of Venezuelans with the crime that azota a la ciudad.

In the midst of the pandemic, Bogotá faces a challenge of employment, a state of poverty and insecurity, leading to the cold. “We have to insure the insecurity we are causing more zozobra. It’s not like it’s more of a priority for a Venezuelan than it is for a Colombian, it’s not for fun, “he said. “If you need a medical device, treat it immediately. On the contrary. The one who is a migrant, the one who has no documents, the one who has no register, the one has much more difficulty. Among all the tenem that can make it worthwhile ”, argues in the amendment that various sectors of the advertising, including their most important political alliances, since their speeches will begin the public debate last week.

When a Venezuelan migrant approached the police station on a police patrol in one of the more transit routes of a Bogotá-zone accommodation, in the middle of a series of allegations he made to the capital, the alcaldesa dio varias declarations in those who relate in their discourse the insecurity with the migration, as it is the habit of the past. “Primero assesinan y luego roban. We will not guarantee for the Colombians “, read in one of his most criticized phrases.

The controversy is currently brewing as the Governor of Ivan Duque proposes to regularize about a million of the documented Venezuelans of the more than 1.7 million that are being met in Colombia by means of a temporary statute of protection elicited by the international community. Bogotá, with 340,000 cases, is the urban area that has the most Venezuelans living in the food and medicine department, hyperinflation and security in the country. Discriminatory publications in speeches and media of creation 576% through their speeches, according to the Barometer of Xenophobia, also had an impulse increase of 1.152% on publications on integration. These jewels, panfletos appear in a city of the city in which it is called no work, not comedy to the Venezuelans.

Hija of a school teacher, López, who defines himself as a “diverse woman” and has a pulse placed in the center of the political spectrum, has proposed a new social and ambitious contract for the Bogotá of sail XXI. Since the coronavirus pandemic has been eradicated, there has been an increase in the privilege of health and the implementation of a basic interest rate for the most vulnerable. As a matter of fact, migrants have appeared in a recurring manner as a point of friction in their discourse, a contradiction that many have included including the Green Alliance and its voters.

“When you signal any problems of insecurity you do not want to cause a controversy or to stigmatize someone, we have to recognize a reality. And in order for this to happen in the occult, not in the negroes, ”López explained, he points out the situation with other moments in which Bogotá absorbed the massive internal displacement due to the Colombian armed conflict. “When we are in poverty, and we have more people in poverty, in principle all of us have a poor peer (…) These generate tensions and also cause some insecurity issues. What do you want to do? Reactivate such an economy as we can ”, diagnosed with the intention of creating a controversy that could be resolved politically.

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