Classes in public system commencing the 11th of January in a virtual way

The Secretary of the Department of Education (DE), Elba Aponte Santos, indicates that, as it is stipulated in the academic calendar, the classes of the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year will be renewed on the 11th of January of 2021, while the staff of the schools will start working from the 8th of January

“We feel very content and enthusiastic with the beginning of the second semester of school and, for me, it is an honor to work as a first man as a secretary. On one initiative, the classes will be modeled on distance, we will work with a detailed plan together with the Department of Health and the National Guard for the evacuation process against the COVID-19 and can then recreate the schools in a manner of escalation and, above all, secure for our children, girls and staff. It is a responsibility that comes with a lot of firmness and determination, ”said Aponte Santos.

Classes in the continuous public education system in distance modulation, mainly mediating the Teams platform, by which the secretariat exhorts the fathers, mothers or carcasses to hold the user number and its counterpart.

Regarding the evacuation process, Aponte Santos recorded that the DE conducted a survey in which the 71% of all employees of the agency participated. In total, this is 88% ekspresó su deseo de inocularse. The staff will be informed informally about the days that must be assisted by the administration of the vacancy.

In addition, the Secretariat will record that from the 11th of January it will start to generate the Academic Progress Information from students via e-mail. The envoy will be by grade, initiating from the primary level and continuing with the secondary level. Take an estimate of fifty days in remittances in its entirety. The padres, madres or framed frames must verify that the electronic card registered on the Matrícula en Línea platform is available to receive the notes.

“It is important to note that if you can communicate with the school before the age of 15, it has not received the information or to have any doubts about it”, added. In case the fathers do not receive the notes, they will notify the school and the directors will establish their individual plans for the presentation of prescriptive form notes salvaguardand the virus prevention tools.

As part of the agenda of the labor initiative for the teachers will be offered by charlas mediating the platform Teams enfocadas in the management and control of emotions. The first charla, which burns at the age of 8 for school psychologists, will be for the staff of the schools and will address the themes of emotion maneuver, mane maneuver and student identification that require particular attention. The second charla is offered to students of all levels and will be directed to the management of emotions.

“We invite the whole community to become participants in these charles that are very helpful to all. In one form or another, three school psychologists share their acquaintances with us in order to work through these areas that affect us in our diary live. In the same way, our schools are made up of school psychologists who are available to attend any situation and to help all our school members, ”concludes Aponte Santos.
