Clásico sin mañana: Alajuelenese and Olimpia meet in a duel of champions in Liga Concacaf – Diez

An authentic partisan is the one who disputes Alajuelense and Olimpia in the semifinals of the Concacaf League, in a Central American classic between the champions Costa vigentes Rica and Honduras.

El Alejandro Morera Soto Stadium will be the scene of an electrifying shock from former rivals who have been involved in history for many years on international occasions.

However, the magnitude of what is in play depends on the prognosticators and the final step is disputed of the Concacaf League in a solo match.

Both clubs affront this transcendental compromise with the morale of the top debit that will impress in their respective leagues to agree as champions.

Mientras el cuadro tico se impuso al Herediano en la llave definita para alzar la ansiado copa 30, los hondureños vencieron a Marathón pto be crowned as bicampeones of the National League.

The news of both jobs promises an impactful engagement between the best Central American teams and, even though the territory is close to Alajuelense to play as a local, the madness and talent of the Olympians above a heck of a stir.

An authentic partisan is the one who disputes Alajuelense y Olimpia for the semifinals of the Concacaf League, in a Central American classic between the vigorous champions of Costa Rica and Honduras.

The Alejandro Morera Soto stadium will be the scene of an electric shock from previous rivals who have been involved in history for many years on international occasions.

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In a duel of Argentine coaches that a priorizan the good maneuver of the pelota and the rapid display of its strategies, it will gain some less mistakes, then the great capacity of the footballers in canacha will generate more aperture for the emotion of the goals.

Tanto Alajuelense como Olimpia is detached to maintain the position of the balloon; Alex López is the director of orchestra manudo y, conscious of the knowledge that his rivals have, and that he was part of the club for a long time, would use his virtues to break the defensive merengue.

Far: Pedro Troglio announces the first Marathon match in the Concacaf League

For his part and for the sake of his youth, Edwin Rodríguez is ready to dominate and start the Olympics offensive with his good vision and assists.

It also harnesses the potential that clubs have in their attacks, as well as increasing the attractiveness and prognosis of many emotions in the important encounter.



Olimpia: Edrick Menjívar; Maylor Núñez, Jonathan Paz, Johnny Leverón, Samuel Córdova; Deybi Flores, German Mejía, Marvin Bernárdez, Edwin Rodríguez; Jerry Bengtson, Eddie Hernández.

Time: 21:00

Stadium: Alejandro Morera Soto, Alajuela.

In a duel of Argentine coaches that a priorizan the good maneuver of the pelota and the rapid delivery of its strategies, it will gain some less mistakes, then the great capacity of the footballers in cana will generate more aperture for the emotion of the goals.

As much as Alajuelense as Olympia moves to maintain the position of the balloon; Alex López is the director of the orchestra manudo y, conscious of the knowledge that his rivals have, and that he was part of the club for a long time, would use his virtues to burn the defensive merengue.

For his part and for the sake of his youth, Edwin Rodríguez is ready to dominate and start the Olympics offensive with his good vision and assists.

It also harnesses the potential that clubs have in their attacks, as well as increasing the attractiveness and prognosis of many emotions in the important encounter.


Alajuelense: (pendiente)

Olympia: Edrick Menjívar; Maylor Núñez, Jonathan Paz, Johnny Leverón, Samuel Córdova; Deybi Flores, German Mejía, Marvin Bernárdez, Edwin Rodríguez; Jerry Bengtson, Eddie Hernández.

Time: 21:00

Stadium: Alejandro Morera Soto, Alajuela.

Árbitro: Mario Escobar (Guatemala)
