City partners with Philly Fighting COVID

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has announced that it will no longer partner with Philly Fighting COVID to deliver tests or vaccinations.

The Department of Health cites Philly Fighting COVID’s change in corporate status as the reason for the end in partnership.

“We have recently been made aware of a change in PFC’s corporate status that took place without our knowledge, from non-profit to profitable. As part of this change, PFC has updated its data privacy policy in a way that the organization enables the sale of data collected through PFC’s pre-registration website, ”said Jame Garrow, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health.

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Garrow calls the changes worrying.

“The city has not been notified that any of this data has been sold. But that PFC has made these changes without discussion with the city is extremely worrying. The Department of Health has decided to stop supplying the vaccine to PFC, ”Garrow added.

The health department is currently developing plans to move future allocations of vaccines to other providers.

New clinics are also being planned to ensure that people vaccinated at PFC’s clinics at the conference center can receive their second dose.

The City of Philadelphia strongly recommends that people who want to express their interest in vaccination do so in the city’s portal at

Philadelphia Department of Public Health Statement:

“The Department of Public Health in Philadelphia is no longer working with Philly Fighting COVID to deliver tests or vaccine, which is effective immediately. We were recently made aware of a change in PFC’s corporate status that took place without our knowledge. , from non-profit to profitable As part of this change, PFC has updated its data privacy policy in a way that enables the organization to sell data collected through PFC’s pre-registration website. However, for PFC to make these changes without discussion with the city is extremely worrying. health decides to stop delivering the vaccine to PFC.

The Department of Health is currently developing plans to shift future vaccine allocation to other providers, and is planning new clinics to ensure that people vaccinated at PFC’s clinics at the conference center can receive their second dose. The Department of Health will be in contact with each of the people to make appointments.

To ensure that the Department of Health is aware of every Philadelphia resident interested in receiving a vaccine, the city strongly recommends that people who wish to express their interest in vaccination do so in the city’s portal at https: //www.phila . gov / vaccine interest. By registering via this website, the Department of Health can contact you to make an appointment when you are eligible and vaccine is available. ‘

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