Cinnamon: Anybody wants a place with 5% of what he owns

Fama, fortuna, lujos y hasta cierto punto eccentricidades, todo eso ha accompaniment desde hace años a Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez as one of the deportistas mejor pagados del planet, for the sake of the tapa this life class does not have a price to pay, while those that the envidian of the afruera can wrap with a minimum of this pastel.

Kontakfirma vir 11 peleas en 365 millones de dólares en el 2018, Cinnamon is one of the economic and sports elite with people like Floyd Mayweather, Mike Trout and Patrick Mahomes, but it’s not the cloud for any thanks to God of the blessings he receives to be the best he can be.

“I’m always refugee in my family, about everything in my mayor’s thinking ” What do you want me to do? ‘. All night nights are nice and pleasant to God, I’m not sure at any point I want to go loco, pero fue cuestión de segundos. Many have hubeltan vuelto locos tan only with the 5% of what tengo porque is demasiado“, commented the pug to Javier Alarcón.

Canelo confesses that he wants to be an F1 pilot

Is the Mexican boxer most known in the news, but our country can be found in the Cinnamon in the pugilism of haber perseguido su underlay sueño of childhood, which was be a pilot of Formula 1, although the economic downturns in that area impidieron pursue this objective.

‘I wanted to buy a house and own a Ferrari. De chiquito decía que quería ser pilot de Fórmula 1, so sonaba pero con qué dinero porque necesitas un gran respaldo para eso y en mi pueblo ni kómo encontrarlo. I look forward to dedicating something to you, as you can have a lot of fun in Mexico “, he confessed.

Cinnamon sufrió boelies por pecoso

Hoy does not exist hombre in the phase of the Tierra that in his cabals will find the burlarse del Cinnamon en su cara, pero de niño era diferente porque sufrió bully debited to his physical appearance, as part of the presentation of the deport de puños.

“I was trembling for nine, but I was always very serious and quiet, I was hated because in school I was different from being skinny and fat, esa carrilla y burlas me hizo timido “, rememoró.

I do not know the box and I have to play all the time in school or on the street, tenia that defend the burlesque for my aspect, was very brave and did not have day that did not bother me. Otras veces le hacía paro a algún amigo, la verdad me encantaba pelearme en la calle and me respetaban porque era muy bueno de niño “.
