Cierre del dólar on April 8, 2021 in Mexico; cambio type

Al cierre de hoy, April 8, 2021, the price of dollars americano la compra está en 20.08 pesos, de acuordo con informacion del Banco de México (Banxico).

The Mexican peso registered its highest number since February 16, joining the journada at 20,067 per US dollar. This is a front page of previous records showing the publication of local inflation data and support for EU example.

The national division faces appreciation for the dollar, despite the fact that it National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), informs that there is an increase in inflation that reduces the risk of new reports in local cases.

Price dollar April 8, 2021 change type

Photo: Freepik

The Mexican peso is also benefiting from the reversal of the dollar front on its main points, due to the fact that the publication of the new semi-annual solicitation of support for example in the United States will increase the number of Jews.

The Mexican currency topped a minimum of 20,067 pesos per dollar, and received a higher record from 19.92 units, which was not seen until 16 February.

INEGI reports that the March Interval rate for March was 4.67%. This is the highest increase since December 2018. At the same time, the monthly increase in prices was 0.83%. It is a record value that was not seen in March of 1999.

This increase in inflation in Banxico is the possibility of making new reports in the present year. No obstacle, the Banco Central’s report, señaló que las bajas podrían continuar.
