Cierre del dólar high April 6, 2021 in Mexico; cambio type

El cierre del dollars high end on sale in 20.1850 pesos, agreed with the proportion of information provided by the Bank of Mexico.

With this number, the mexican peso will close the jornada with an appreciation of 16.70 cents, which equivaldría to an increment of 0.82 per cent with respect to the reported day of ayer.

Cabe record that ayer the stadium stadium acabó with a value of 20.3520 units per American ticket.

The appreciation of the Mexican peso results in a direct consequence of the announcement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the wake of any increase in its prognosis for the Mexican economy during 2021.

In this form, the IMF passed 4.3 per cent to 5 per cent for the expectation of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Mexico.

Moreover, the international body also details that during this year it is hoped that the vacancy in our country will accelerate during the next quarter, which will allow the economic recovery of the United States to stimulate the Mexican economy.

Gita Gophinat, FMI’s economist, points out that the Fund is also expecting a 6% expansion in the global economy this year, from the 5.5% increase in its previous projections.

Change type in the banks of Mexico

  • Citibanamex bought at 19.64 and sold at 20.63
  • HSBC México bought at 19.86 and sold at 20.56
  • BBVA Bancomer bought at 19.56 and sold at 20.45
  • Buy shop on 19.05 and on sale at 20.45
  • Santander bought at 20.17 and sold at 20.17
