Cierre del dólar high April 12, 2021 in Mexico; cambio type

Al cierre de hoy, April 12, 2021, the price of dollars america a la compra está in 20.1380 pesos, de acuordo con información del Banco de México (Banxico).

Peso cierra est jornada con un advances debido a speculation in the market cambiario previo a la reception de la inflation dates in United States the day of Monday.

Price dollar high April 12, 2021 change type

Photo: Freepik

It’s Monday, the mexican peso closes the lanes with ligancies leagues in front of american dollars, which are debited during this week’s initiation.

This appreciation was 6.5 cents; es decir, the 0.32 per cent. The pair moves in a close range with a maximum of 20.21 pesos and a minimum of 20.72 pesos. Unidos, and thus generate expectations on the part of inversionists and entrepreneurs.

Analysts in the market say that there is a possibility of a rapid global recovery of the advance in the eviction proceedings against covid-19 all over the world. Fiscal estimates are based on inflation in the United States and other countries such as China.

Type of bank balances in Mexico

  • Citibanamex: 19.60 compra; 20.61 venta
  • BBVA: 19.50 compra; 20.42 sale
  • Santander: 20.21 compra; 20.15 venta
  • HSBC: 19.51 compra; 20.52 venta
  • Banorte: 19.00 compra; 20.40 venta
