CIENCIA – A white paint that enfrica edits more than an air conditioner

In an effort to release global calendars, the engineers of the University of Purdue created the most white painting just now.

Returning edits with this painting can only be enough to reduce the need for air conditioning, say investigators.

In October, the team created an ultra-white paint that amplifies the limits of what can be the white paint. Ahora lo han superado. The newest painting without solo is the most white, though it can also maintain the more free surfaces that the wording that investigators have demonstrated in advance.

If you use this painting to cover a technical area of ​​approximately 1.000 pieie (333 meters) square, we estimate that it will be possible to obtain a freezing capacity of 10 kilowatts. It’s more potent than central air conditioners that use the majority of cases, “said Xiulin Ruan, a professor of mechanical engineering.

Investigators believe that this blank can be the blackest equivalent of the blackest, “Vantablack”, which absorbs up to 99.9% of the light visible. The new white paint painting formula reflects the 98.1% of the solar light, in comparison with the 95.5% of the solar light reflected by the ultra-white paint in front of the investigators, and sends the infrared heat of a surface at the same time.

The typical white commercial painting is the coolest place to be in the free space. The paintings in the market that are designed to reduce the calorie reflection only from 80% to 90% of solar light and can not make that the surfaces are more free than their entourage.

The team research article that will show how the painting will be published will be published by the magazine Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Two characteristics of the painting on its extreme whiteness. It is a very high concentration of the painting of a chemical compound called barium sulphate that is also used to make the photographic paper and cosmetics white.

The second characteristic is that the particles of barium sulphate have different sizes in the paint. The amount of light that disperses each particle depends on its size, because a large range of particle sizes allows the paint to disperse more from the light spectrum of the sun.

The blanks of the painting also mean that the painting is the most free registered. Using high temperature thermal reading equipment called thermocouples, the investigators will demonstrate free air that the painting can maintain the 10 degree Celsius surfaces more free than its ambient setting during the night. También can enfriar surfaces at 4 degrees Celsius during the debris of his entourage at the intense sunlight during the hours of the media.

This blank painting is the result of six years of research based on intentions to be repaired in the 1970s to develop radiative freezing paint as a viable alternative to traditional air conditioners.
