Chucky Lozano is incomparable to Napoli, the goal and asistencia and Copa

Mexico City /

Hirving Lozano annotated his new goal goal of the 2020-2021 season, this night in the duel of Octavos de Final de la Copa de Italia, ante el Empoli, in a party in which breath dio the assistance for the first goal of Naples.

Five minutes after the visit, the marketer will experience, Chucky got a defensive error, to mandate the locals one more time in front of the marker, with a power loss of area at minute 38.

Nicoló Casale fell in the control of his intention to shoot a pelota. Lozano, approving the speed of the robot and without thinking I had a potential loss of justice that colocó pegado to the post izquierdo del arquero Jacopo Furlan.
