Chuck Norris Explains No Stowage in Washington’s Capitol | Gente | Maintenance

Los Angeles –

Chuck Norris declares the martyrdom that is not part of the turbo of ultra-orthodox people that the Capitol of Washington is talking about, despite the fact that in social speeches an image is revealed of a person who guards a notable affair with the actor.

‘Recently supe that hub a double of Chuck Norris in the stories of the Capitol in Washington. Geen era yo y yo geen estuve ahí“, dijo hoy el interprete op Twitter.

“Geen hooi espacio para la violencia de ningún typo in nuestra sociedad. Estoy y estaré siempre a favor de la ley y el orden. Vuestro amigo, Chuck Norris”, cerró el experto en artes marciales.

His representative, Erik Kritzer, also decided to raise any doubts with respect.

“It’s not Chuck Norris. It’s an aspiration to be a double, but Chuck is much more apt“, indicated in a communication received by state media.

Chuck gets on his Texas ranch donde has been with his family “, added.

The controversy over the protagonist of Walker, Texas Ranger había estado o no en el asalto al Capitolio se basaba en una Fotografie las las redes sociales en la que uno de los asaltantes, Matthew Bledsoe, posaba con alguien a quien él miso identificaba com Chuck Norris.

Ese hombre tenía el pelo pelirrojo y unos rashes appearing on the interpreter.

But there are antecedents of March’s publications, different users of the social speeches show their doubts that the person of the image will be the actor who was more young than Norris, who will turn 81 in March.

The false controversy over Norris has also benefited from the actor’s support for years to the Republicans and the Christian right in the United States, which on many occasions has shown his response to the President of the United States, Donald Trump. (I)
