Chrome for iOS Test Incognito Tab Lock with Touch, Face ID

While Chrome for iOS has not seen a stable release since November, amid a continuous interruption in updates, Google continues to work on the beta channel and is currently testing a way to Incognito- to close tabs with Face or Touch ID.

With Chrome, you can close “Incognito tabs” so that they blur in the tab switch “until you confirm it’s yours” with Touch of Face ID. Google calls it a way to “provide more security” when multitasking between applications.

This is also useful if someone else is using your iPhone or iPad to perform a new search. In this hypothetical scenario, a user who has opened another page to do their business would like to close it as soon as it is completed. In the process, they may see all the windows in the switch open.

The ability to close Chrome’s Incognito tabs is similar to a feature in the main Google Search app that uses biometrics to ‘confirm that it’s you when you return to an incognito session after 15 minutes.’

Google Drive has a similar “privacy screen” that requires fingerprint or face confirmation every time you open the file storage application. However, there is the option to delay the verification with multitasking by 10 seconds, one minute or 10 minutes.

Despite the fact that it appears in the release notes, this feature is not yet available to all beta users. There appears to be a component on the server side, while the public launch of Chrome 89 is expected next month – assuming Google’s iOS update situation is resolved by then. Once live, it can be controlled in Settings> Privacy> Incognito tabs when you close Chrome.

Chrome lock Touch Face ID

More about Google Chrome:

Thanks Encestral Z, h / t Tom Warren

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