Christian Nodal: ¿Le pegaron? This is the MOTIVATION for the appearance with MARKAS in the car the news of Belinda | VIDEO

Christian Nodal followed in Spain to the hope of Belinda, who finds himself in Mexico grabs La Voz Kids, but over the distance, the Mexican regional singer is looking for his followers and traverses of his social speeches, now surprised with a change of radical look.

The Mexican performer surprised with a change in his cabellera, is to show the metad of green and the other mitra negra, because it is a primary instance of appreciation to its followers by not having burdens of it during the transmission, but it is because it causes curiosity in its fans these brands are debating the islands.

At one instance the sequelers think that the habit passed something bad, and that it seems that tenenan morenotes, it is said, that it behaves badly or that the victim suffers some type of accident that the habit has given its marks to the islands.

What happened?

During the live if the song is sung with a sad semblance, by which the rumors are being spread about what the habit has passed and why there are marks in the car, but the reality is that there is no grave.

Nodal approves the Instagram filters to show a little filter that hiccup lucir como zombie or something similar, for what appears to be a small pond and with markets that can pass through moretones and islands.

The motive for painting the green skin

Dentro del live explained that one of the motives for the decision to paint the green cable has a little experiment, which is wanted as an anime character, Zoro, which is one of the protagonists of the anime One Piece.

During the transmission, Chris approves to invite all of his followers so that the streaming concert that has the proximity is not pierced May 29. The event will be available worldwide.

