Christian Chávez has a drastic change of look

Christian Chávez inside the famous telenovela ‘Rebelde’ with his papel de Giovanni Méndez is characterized by changing during all the chapters color de su cabellera, que iba desde rosa, orange, amarillo; rubio entre otros.

Tras ends the euphoria of ‘RBD’ Chávez opted to descend on his cabellera, as long as he pays his natural tone, his embarrassment is that he changes hours.

Travels of his social speeches shared a photograph which can be observed while singing with a drastic cambio look.

On this occasion Christian was seen more than ever, then pink and plateau were heard, provoking the reactions of his fans, who were questioned and this was the result of some filter, so that he has not clarified the moment.

Christian Chávez vuelve 'n impressive fashion

“Reviviste a Giovanni Méndez”, “Woow se te ve spectacular”, “Muy buen look”, “¿Is a filter?”, “Y regresan los colores”, “Te queda incredible”.

Christian Chávez vuelve 'n impressive fashion
