Chrissy Teigen shared a beauty pandemic era beauty hack and I can not wait to try it

“Keep safe AND take out the rent-free blackheads.”

Never accuse Chrissy Teigen of not being able to multitask! Yes, she’s a mom, model, and cookbook writer, but she also knows how to maximize her beauty routine with time-saving hacks. Do you remember when she started the trend with skin mask during flight?

Well, she has more ingenious beauty tips in her arsenal. Example: wearing a Bioré Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strip under her face mask.

This is not Teigen’s first time at the red pore, she’s been a fan of it for years. In 2018, she even recounts her Bioré-pore comic strip – in a slightly creepy way.

“I like to pull it down slowly, and then tilt to the light so I can see every mountain, every little mountain. And then I take my finger and brush the blackheads to the side so I can see their length,” she said. GULP. (JK, actually completely related.)

BRB, going to buy some pore strips!

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