Choque entre Pierluisi y lidderes legislativos por el statatus

In the midst of its first state of emergency message, Governor Pedro Pierluisi protagonists a shock letter with the legislative leaflets to address the status quo during his inauguration of the Legislature.

By insisting on the status and celebration of a special election to elect its leaders, Pierluisi insists that the status option be prevalent in the electoral comics elections and that the leader of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) in the Legislature.

“He who ignores his people, does not deserve his respect”, said the mandate during his first state of affairs message.

The culmination of his message, the President of the Senate, José Luis Dalmau, saluted the governor and defended the current status of the Free State Association. “What good is the Free State Association of Puerto Rico”, Dalmau said in Pierluisi that provoked a mix of applause and applause between the PPD delegates and the New Progressive Party (PNP).

“Thank you for this relationship, we will receive all the millions that you have agreed to announce. And this agreement has been approved by the Legislative Assembly, where the mayor will represent the mandate in the mandate of the people. . Presidential camera Rafael ‘Tatito’ Hernández echoed Dalmau’s expressions.

During his presentation to the Legislature, Pierluisi insisted on the celebration of a special election of cavalry members who will be representing the state of Iceland in the Congress. The election is scheduled for May 16.

“Ob obio the fin public to make valer lawillad of our people. For that matter, our governor’s work has led him to look into the fact that our people are pissed off, including the election of six delegates who abstained from it in Congress, ”Pierluisi said.

As before in his message, the Chamber of Representatives will allocate a whopping $ 1.8 million for the election celebration. Pierluisi, without embarrassment, insists on continuing to stimulate the state, but does not make direct reference to the actions of the lower chamber.

“I do not agree to play, but to play I have failed. No me van a ver con discredos estridentes ni protagonismos innecesarios. Our people do not like it. I’m going to be working, searching for solutions and always going to Puerto Rico first, ”Pierluisi added.

Pierluisi reiterated that the prevalence rate in the electoral comics of November.

“The state was supported by the majority of voters in Puerto Rico. The Estadidad garnered more votes than any of the candidates in the elections. I respect all those who favor the State, but the record that in all democracy, the majority is mandatory “, commented.
