choose one and know your true instinct for survival

A new challenge goes viral in its speeches and rules is very simple. It’s just that you’re a bitch and know your true instinct for survival

The challenges stand in the order of the day. There are many that abound in our speeches and invite us to know the occult aspects of our personality. In this case, there is a very simple test: only if you are a child of the image and know your true instinct for survival.

The rules of this test are quite simple. Hooi 3 puertas frente a vos y cada una de ellas lei tot ‘n una habacacion.

Get away from it first child we call them llamas. Get away from it second has a criminal army with a fugitive army that is listed to be separated. Finally, after the last few days there is a oso which does not come from a year ago.

They have a lullaby and a pelota, and they have to select the door where they have to enter. The objective is obviously sobrevivir.

First child

If the first child is elated, lamentably will not survive much time. It’s always good to know that this election is about you. Probably not thinking much before entering. This means that do not try to correct risks in your life, as long as the risks are very large. Debés have a dedicated time to think and evaluate the pros and cons of their decisions.

Second child

If you choose the second child you have to do something about it: never subestimes the lethality of a fugitive army, entering this habitation will mean your death. Elegir esta puerta significa put your life in equivocal ways y, lamentably, no always is a good idea. I want to be more independent and not trust others.

Tercera puerta

Elegiste la puerta con un oso hambriento que no ha comido durant más de un ano. This means that te comerá sin dudarlo, tan pronto as appear in his vision camp. Prohibition of sin, hay algo a tener and cuenta. If you can sorevivir an invigorating largo sin comida, an oso that has not been around for so long is definitely an oso dead. Congratulations, you passed this test!

The pelota is a trampoline. The pelota can not be used in a fire, and if it has an Olympic mana lanzandola a criminal, tampoco te salvarás. It took a long time to adjust the utilization of the pelota, most likely the result will be difficult to take decisions in the future.
