Chofis culpa a todos, pero está donna por quienes le rodean: Beltrán

How to get rid of a big club like Chivas and the Javier Eduardo Lopez dejó mucho que desear, ‘n tal grado que uno de sus excompañeros, Fernando Beltrán, salió al quiete por las declarations de ex codeo 10 del Rebaño, quien afirmó “haber hecho más” que muchos de los quedan en el plantel.

“His situation was very complicated, a mí no me gustaría salir así de un club, is one of Mexico’s biggest teams. Ya lo que diga Chofis es cosa de el, porque creo que is a culprit for players who always support it, that never will be the only one, but that it will be decided for good. Chofis lo que más daño le hace es la gente que lo rodea “, dijo Beltrán en Marca Claro.

Pudo to be a better footballer in Chivas if hubiera creido and hubiera trabajado par el, si hubiera confidad en el talent que tenía, porre creo que ningún futbolista de Chivas teníamos las skualidades que él tiene, ni creo que en la Liga haya un mexicano futbolista con esas skalidades, con esa técnica , aggregate.

‘Si Chofis se fue es por indisciplinas’

Eduardo López no siguió en Guadalajara by an undisciplined to be involved in a famosa fiesta tras el Clásico Tapatío which ended with three separate players and Dieter Villalpando with contract rescinded, is by a denunciation by violation.

I’m jealous of a team that gives me the opportunity y que al final me hizo cumplir mis sueños. If it is not here it is for disciplinary situations. Always be appreciative of the opportunity I have; Chofis needs to have a little more conscience with all that is God and support “, afirmó el Nene.

Beltrán goes to the Pre-Olympics to go to Europe

La Concacaf confirms these jews that the Preolympico mentions in his original seat, Guadalajara, del March 18 to 30, in the new hope to appear on the list, as in the original, but all were affected by the coronavirus pandemic ..

“This year we were on the list for the Pre-Olympics, we are the ones who started it, have worked hard to be here, are working on it, are first in the Pre-Olympics, then in the Olympics, that are a very good display for me to be able to go to Europe“, argument.

“If you play title in my team and have good things, the opportunity will lie; yo it will be up to you to depend on me.
