Chocolate MC, emotional with the reaction of his “hermano” Ozuna on Instagram

| 15/01/2021 – 06:17 (GMT-4)

Various occasions the Cuban reguonero Chocolate MC has presumed in his social speeches of the contacts that he has maintained with great strings of music.

From his encounter con el rapero estadounidense 50 Cent during the launch party of the Super Bowl 2020, until the Conversation through a video recorder que mantuvo af 2019 con el bachatero estadounidense de ascendencia dominicana Prince Royce, no caben dudas de que al Rey del Reparto le gusta codearse con las altas spheres de la farándula.

One of its ultimate intentions has been with the Puerto Rican regent Ozuna, to whom before he showed off his respect and appreciation to appear in a video with its theme Guachineo which was launched in 2015 when a residence in La Habana.

On this occasion, Chocolate MC shared a message that the message to Ozuna was sent to Instagram in which it was referred to as its “hermano” and that Boricua responded with a ‘me gusta’ in the form of a heart. Following the comment of the El Rey del Reparto, the decision was taken as the boricua had its first home.

“Yo le dije mi hermano porque él me lo dijo primero ¿Si un millioner te dice que eres su hermano tú le dices que no? Oh, ya. Mi hermano y bien”, commented el cubano.

Instagram / Chocolate MC

Además has its publications in Ozuna, Chocolate MC shared a video that immortalized his encounter with the song of the original origin of Senegalese Akon.

In audiovisual material, Cuban regetonero receives a colorful abrasion of the famous pop and hip hop artist. Tal y como related El Rey del Reparto junto al post, Akon fue quien lo reconoción und decidió saludarle. Sjokolade MC ensures that the day is “a holiday”.

“Asombroso. Yo aún veo este video yun aún no entiendo cómo un artist artist, pero tan famoso, me ve por primera vez en su vida y me dice: ‘¿Sabes quién es él?, Es el verdadero, es el de verdad’ I’m emotional when I’m abrasive as if I’ve known all of the life. I was told at the time that he was a liar. The verdict is that he believed that he had read more of what he thought, broke my expectations. Thank you Akon “, he expressed.

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