Chivas: José Juan ‘Gallito’ Vázquez rompe el silencio y habla sobre su ‘indisciplina’

Some of these months of ventilating an indiscipline in the only way uncurious ‘n Dieter Villalpando, Chofis López y Alexis Peña, originating a mayor’s problem for Dieter, the ex judge of the Chivas, José Juan ‘Gallito’ Vázquez, habló por prima vez de o sucedido en el team blijblanco a rais de los castigos que partition de directive.

In an interview with TUDN, Gallo Vázquez made sure that Guadalajara did not analyze the football player’s situation well, he considered that the club’s salute was not just a match made by the club’s debtors.

Leer también: Liga MX: ¿Por qué le dicen Chivas al Guadalajara y cuándo comenzó a usar puros mexicanos?

“A very delicate topic, more than anything for Dieter, entonces and I would like to clarify this, no matter what happens, the problem is with him, we are sorry to be embarrassed. There is a very difficult moment, we separate, we train late. o en la mañana.

Vázquez accepts that the situation in which he lives is very complicated, but he always needs to clarify that he is only present at this event, if he has another type of participation in the problem that originated.

“Yo siento que sí, no midieron con la misma vara, pero ni hablar; Mi esposa y mi hija se enteraron de las noticias, yo les expliciac la situation and nada más, me brindaron apoyo, eso también me dio mucha fuerza”, recordó Vázquez.

The Gallito commented that he spoke directly to Amaury Vergara to explain the situation, while trying to explain, since she was aware that she had nothing to do with the problem she was facing.

“I entered the notice on the 10th day, immediately in Amaury and with all the transparency of the world on the day the situation came, I was not guilty and always with the car altogether, yo les dije, le puedo explicar a quien see “, recalcó.

Leer también: Cruz Azul no descarta fichar un refuerzo de lujo, según Álvaro Dávila

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