Chivas is the largest in America, with no identity, launched by Antonio Briseño

El Clásico Nacional entre Chivas and America he commenced to read the defender’s statements Guadalajara, Antonio Briseño, who insures that you are Eagles no le dan miedo a nadie pese a sacar resultatos positos en el Clausura 2021 de la Liga MX, además de afirmar que los del Rebaño son mucho grande que ellos, pues los cremas carecen de identidad en el Mexican Football.

In addition, Briseño recorded the episode of The Classic of the Past, when Oribe Peralta and some players from the United States exchanged tights, making sure that this scene did not have to be repeated, then Chivas’ affection would take all the respect.

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“A lesson that does not have to be repeated, with America does not change camisettes, in the final results if it is between its friends, but it is your rival, and any that the result must be respected in the affirmation, because they live with an extra passion, and we will be the reflection of that passion “, assured Briseño.

Asked about the importance of the classic of the United States, Briseño made it clear that a victory would not save a bad turn in the Royal Institution, without embargo, there will always be an ally to find the next leagues in the MX League.

“Salvamos el torneo, pero yo ganándole al AMérica, cumplimos un objective l’institutioni, que es ganarle al odiado rival y con esos tros punto gano confianza, le quito los puntos a uno de los rivales que no quiera que ganen nunca”, comentó el Pollo.

About the grandeur that presumes the Club America from which the title number 13 in its history is recorded, ubicándose as the club most proud of the Mexican Football, the Pollo Briseño hizo less this logro and make sure that by titles can not define the grandeur of a club in the MX League, making it clear that Chivas is much bigger than the Eagles, and they have an identity.

“For titles can not be any team is more great than others, because Pumas within the big four and have teams with more titles than them.

Nosotros (Chivas) have an identity, something that we do not know and that in Mexico does not exist, that we play with pure Mexican people, they can train all parts of the world, but have the greatness of being the teams that have the most titles , has more affection, more players are selling, and have an identity to play with pure Mexican, so it’s much bigger than a title of difference ”, justifies Briseño.

“Nobody believes in the couple, we are much bigger than America, because they have no identity”.

Briseño will find that it has the best results in the United States, the azulcrema team does not assist in its operation, remaining important in the 10 points difference that separates the Eagles’ Chivas.

“America’s not afraid of Nadie, because of Ghana. To empezare not to have a relationship with Nada, nor to America, nor to any team that digas, its football games, play and be enfrentan. It is a team that has well played, that has sacred its results, but in the final is a Classic, the statistics quadan apart and van a ser once against once.

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