Chivas: Filtran list of transfers from Guadalajara; habrá limpia en el Rebaño

Book of the candente junta that sostuvieron las Chivas Rayadas del Guadalajara en la que estuvieron presentes Amaury Vergara, Ricardo Peláez and Víctor Manuel Vucetich, the owner of Rebaño ratifies the continuity of the sports director, giving clear clarity to his players that he will be at the front of the project, being the person in charge of the planning and armament of the plant for the next turn.

To be relegated to the cargo area, Peláez and Habria started planning the Aperture 2021 of the MX League, compiling a list of possible refuges and caravans in the next round.

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According to information revealed by the Diary of the Jalisco Informant, Peláez will be prioritizing the legacy of a central defense, this is due to the injury of Hiram Mier, who will lose a good tram from the next round.

With the small stock that is available, Chivas tends to engineer with interchanges, presumably, true sales of some of its footballers to generate resources and be able to make the necessary sheets to upgrade the team.

In this tenor, Chivas ya tendría defined a pre list of transferable players with the intention to make an exchange or generate money with its possible sales, distancing footballers like

Cristian Calderón, Antonio Briseño, Fernando Beltrán, César Huerta, Carlos Cisneros, Ronaldo Cisneros, José Madueña, and Ángel Zaldívar.

Además de las altas y bajas que podría tener Chivas, otro de los pendientes de Peláez es el ‘rescate’ de la harmonie en el vestidor del grupo, puntualizando el caso de José Juan Macías, uno de los jugadores más destacados en el Rebaño, el no matter what, at some point in the team’s level, it’s been called by the group.

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