Chivas de Guadalajara Hiram Mier No term training for injury in doubles ante Necaxa Jornada 6 I Liga MX

Problems with the technician Víctor Manuel Vucetich from the compromise of the Saturday where the Chivas of Guadalajara received at Necaxa inside the Jornada 6 del Torneo Guad1anes 2021, then even Hiram Mier trained this Wednesday lies the lesson that suffers the moon in Leon, follow in doubt for the encounter.

All well received in the training of Rebaño Sagrado, good luck Cristian Calderón, who has COVID-19, the team is complete in the ordinances of Vucetich, for a time that ends the physical preparation, Ant it can not continue in practice with the balloon.

And that’s what the zaguero del Rebaño Sagrado received one entry of William Tesillo in the right voice, what is the cost of the red card to the emerald of the emeralds and the defender rojiblanco dejar el terreno de juego.

“Following the view of the practice of these schools in Verde Valle, Ant complete with his companions the calendage stage, but later the appearance in the work of reduced spaces, where the team is divided into groups ”, published the periodical in Marca Claro, José María Garrido.

Is that Hiram Mier joins al “Chicote” Calderón in the list of auspices for the meeting of the sabbath at 19:00 hours in front of the Rayos in the Akron Stadium, donde las Chivas de Guadalajara intentarán sumar su segunda victoria consecutiva del Torneo Guard1anes 2021.

Nee, hace falta un cambio de DT
