Chivas: Alexis Vega y Uriel Antuna estarían bajo investigación

There’s been a turbulent week in Chivas, and now there are many who are investigating the elements of the first team Alexis Vega and Uriel Antuna.

According to periodical David Medrano, the attackers did not regress with the rest of the team across the party between Mazatlán and Guadalajara, although it does have a license assigned to it by the technical team.

The investigation is based on the fact that football players have broken or no health protocols, even if it is free, it will be poorly behaved in these aspects and it will be a consequence of punishment.

Currently, as much as Vega as Antuna stands with the Mexican Sub-23 selection disputing the Concacaf Preliminaries, while the first team of Chivas reported training has the closest moon.

