Chivas 2-5 Atlético de San Luis: Prepaid match of the Guardianes 2021 of League MX

Chivas de Guadalajara sucumbió este merercoles 30 de diciembre al caer goleado 5-2 ante el Atlético de San Luis in the installations of the deporta city of Verde Valle, in a part corresponding to the pretemporada del Torneo Guard1anes Clausura 2021, in which a second sample of the initial initiation that is perfect for the next semester of the champion. The one who sufrió unesperado cambio de fecha y hora, will be held closed at the disposal of the MX League and the sanitary authorities of the republic debited the current coronavirus pandemic Covid-19.

During the preview to this emotional preparation with the photos in the main can of the Casa Club tapatía, the team led by Víctor Manuel Vucetich completes the second part of its pre-season and this same wednesday December 30th has been scheduled in its agenda romper filas in the vispera of the Fiestas de Año Nuevo. For this reason, at work on Saturday the 2nd of January, to carry out the work of preparation with miras to the first day of the tournament, el viernes 8 de enero frente a Puebla at the Cuauhtémoc Stadium, which marks the inaugural match of the championship.

The “Rey Midas”, as known in Mexican football to Vucetich, intends to maintain the function that Chivas showed during the pass Torneo Guard1anes 2020 and in the semi-finals ahead of the actual champion: Leon. Although this second occasion will be approved, luego de win 1-0 at Santos Laguna in Playa del Carmen, to evaluate a pair of elements that have been tested within the delegation in la pretemporada rojiblanca, like: Josecarlos Van Rankin y Carlos Cisneros.

Guadalajara Club Deportivo helps with the Atlético de San Luis in its second part of the pretemporada for the Torneo Guard1anes Clausura 2021 of the MX League in the deportation city of Verde Valle in the Pearl Tapatía, Wednesday, December 30, starting at 9:00 p.m. in the center of Mexico. It is time to modify the initial deadline, which will be due by March 29th.

Matches and previews of the match: Chivas vs Atlético de San Luis, in pretemporada

Incidents of the first part of the match: Chivas vs Atlético de San Luis

Chivas tomo ventaja muy temprano al madrugar a la zaga potosina, con el gol annotado por el capitan Jesús Molina en el primer quarto de hora del encuentro en Verde Valle. José Juan Macías cobros de direra direct un tiro libre su sin intentione se starte in the post, by which Molina recogió el rebote y estremeció la red con su potente remate.

José Juan Macías cobras de magraforma su intente des los los once pasos, para estremecer la red de los potosinos y recobrar la ventaja 2-1 en Verde Valle, durante la media hora del partida de preparazion.

Incidents of the second part of the match: Chivas vs Atlético de San Luis

Summary and video of the Chivas ante Atlético de San Luis and pretemporada:

Repeat as a semifinalist, minimum
