Chiquis Rivera is recovering from his van, which costs 2 miles

The song and the company Chiquis Rivera surprise all its followers by announcing that it is planning to unveil one of its most well-known properties, we refer to it model truck 2012, la cual rifará entre su public.

Make a public and a video in its social reasons, the vehicle is a todoterreno and is personalized, no solo with its logo; also with the colors of its cosmetic brand; in addition to having appeared in the infinity of images that Jenni Rivera’s hen had shared in her speeches, because she has a very special car.

“I love this van, I duel the race, I do not know how to duel but I love the opportunity to be able to win this van. It has been confirmed in the good and the bad and by this I am selling boletos for a month ”, posted on his official Instagram account

Ve: Chiquis Rivera wants to build a real tama house for his dog

Deelnemer en la rifa es muy sencillo, lo unique que tienes hacer es entrar a las redes sociales de la empresaria y buy a ticket, that you are approaching 2 mil pesos, each one; and in case of result, transfer to the United States, although it is specified that you want to personally enter the premium, it can only be placed within the California and Arizona area.

Chiquis van

Chiquis also details that during a month there will be tickets and each participant can buy a maximum of ten days: “You can buy tickets for up to $ 100 and each person can buy up to ten tickets. You have a personal personality in California and Arizona, ‘ finalized.

Chiquis Rivera van

Also: Chiquis Rivera filed for divorce from Lorenzo Méndez over violence
