Chinese periodical that covid documented in Wuhan, a prison

Hong Kong (CNN) – An independent Chinese periodical that informs Wuhan during the high point of the coronavirus initial brute force was condensed into four years by a Shanghai tribunal, where the moon is aborted.

Zhang Zhan, 37, pleaded guilty to “provoking charges and causing trouble”, according to one of his defense attorneys, Zhang Keke, who assisted in his hearing. The Chinese government suele acharar the crime of human rights activists and activists.

Zhang, formerly a lawyer, sent to the central city of China in February to inform about the pandemic and the posterior intentions of the container, just as the authorities began to control the state and private Chinese media.

Chinese periodical documented covid crisis in Wuhan

During more than three months, fragments of life have been confiscated in Wuhan and the length of time that enforces their residences, from disused hospitals to vacant vacations. Public information, photos and videos in Wechat, Twitter and YouTube, the last few days are blocked in China.

His publications were abruptly detected in May mediates and lies were revealed that the detective and tragedy police in Shanghai, a city with more than 640 kilometers of life.

The tax authorities accuse him of “publishing large amounts of false information” in tener interviews with foreign media outlets, including Radio Free Asia and Epoch Times, in order to “agitate maliciously the epidemic situation at covid-19 in Wuhan”.

Zhang is the first periodical citizen to know that he has been informed by his paper about the coronavirus pandemic. But it is not his first encounter with the authorities.

Following its formal accusation, it was detained for 10 days during 2019 for “provoking problems and causing problems”, but the document does not specify what results from its detention.

One of many

Zhang is one of a number of independent reporters who have been detained or disappeared in China since the beginning of the pandemic; the authorities tomaron drastic measures against the coverage of the virus mean that the propaganda media describe the Beijing response as effective and opportunistic.

In February, Chen Qiushi, who shared live videos of Wuhan during the City of Citizenship and published information on social media, appeared. In September, it was announced that there would be “state supervision”. Otros of the Independent periodicals, Li Zehua and Fang Bin, also held the detention of their Wuhan brothel.

“With the pretext of cracking down on the new coronavirus, China’s authorities have intensified their online representation to block the presentation of Independent Information, the exchange of information and critical comments on the governor’s responses”, said in a Chinese Rights Report Defenders, a group in Hong Kong, have the principles of this year.

Periodists in China

China is the country of the world that has more periodicals, including Reporters without Frontiers (RSF), and strictly controls the local press while blocking the Mayor of the external media of Gran Cortafuegos, with its censorship and vigilance apparatus .

And marzo, China, expels a period from The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, and a motive of the precedents contra la prensa extranjera. Beijing says that the media, which is producing in the midst of a critique of information about China’s initial response to the coronavirus, has reacted to recent restrictions on Washington over Chinese state media in the United States.

Although he has seen sporadic crimes that have been exacerbated by animals and quarantines, China has largely controlled the virus, allowing the country to grow into a relatively normal country.

Without embarrassment, the restrictions on press release have been lifted and the Chinese state media have begun to aggressively impose an alternative origin story for the pandemic, with allegations that the coronavirus may have been circulating in the country before the initial brutality in Wu .
