China wins the trade war and its exports have never been higher

The world’s second largest economy closed 2020 with a total trade surplus of $ 78 billion for December, according to official customs data released on Thursday. China’s overall surplus for the year reached a record $ 535 billion, up 27% from 2019. Meanwhile, exports rose to an all-time high.

“Amid all the rumors about decoupling and de-globalization, the pandemic has deepened ties between China and the rest of the world, somewhat unexpectedly,” Larry Hu, China’s chief economist for Macquarie Capital, said in a statement. research report.

Louis Kuijs, head of Asia’s economics at Oxford Economics, attributed China’s gains largely to the country’s management of the pandemic, which erupted in the Chinese city of Wuhan just over a year ago. He added that China has benefited from a huge demand for protective equipment and electronics as people around the world have worked from home.

“After China recovered from its own Covid-19 crisis, China was open to business when the pandemic caused a huge demand in the US (and other countries) for related goods from Covid-19,” Kuijs said.

Meanwhile, China’s trade relations with the United States have become even more balanced: Beijing’s trade surplus with Washington rose to $ 317 billion in 2020, up 7% from the previous year and the second-highest record, according to chief economist Iris Pang . for Greater China at ING. The amount is just $ 7 billion ashamed of 2018 levels, when Trump launched a blistering trade war to name a skewed relationship with the world’s second largest economy.

“Judging by the boom in U.S. imports from China in 2020, it seems reasonable to say that Trump’s trade war with the country has failed,” Kuijs said. said.

The good trade news comes days before China is expected to release GDP figures for the end of 2020 – another positive performance. Analysts generally expect economic growth in China to pick up even more during the last three months of the year. Analysts polled by Reuters expect Chinese GDP will increase by 2.1% during 2020.

“As [China] plays a critical role in many supply chains and remains a fundamentally very competitive place to produce. It’s much easier said than done to ‘disconnect’ from it, “Kuijs said.

However, the future of China is not without challenges. Analysts point out that President-elect Joe Biden is unlikely to reverse the pressure on the country after taking office next week.

“The Biden government will take a different, less belligerent and more consistent approach to China,” Kuijs said. “But it is not politically possible for Biden to remove tariffs on Chinese goods any time soon.”
