China, Iran and others seek UN support to push for unilateral power

NEW YORK – China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and others are seeking support for a coalition to defend the United Nations Charter by pushing back against the use or threat of violence and unilateral sanctions, according to a letter from Reuters Thursday seen. moves through 16 countries and the Palestinians to form such a group comes as US President Joe Biden’s new government increases its multilateral involvement and allies, reversing former President Donald Trump’s preferential approach while focusing on ‘ an “America First” policy. promised to tackle China at the United Nations, where Beijing has insisted on greater global influence in a challenge to traditional American leadership. A draft note for the “Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter”, seen by Reuters, says that multilateralism “is currently under unprecedented attack, which in turn threatens global peace and security.” However, a senior European diplomat spoke on conditio of anonymity, replied: ‘These so-called friends are the ones who did the most to violate the charter. Maybe they should start by respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms in their own countries. ‘Other founding members of the group are Algeria, Angola, Belarus, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cuba, Eritrea, Laos, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Syria and The draft note said the world sees a growing refuge in unilateralism, characterized by isolation and arbitrary action, including the imposition of unilateral coercive measures or the withdrawal from landmark agreements and multilateral institutions, as well as by attempts to undermine critical efforts. to meet common and global challenges. “Under Trump, Washington has announced plans to end the World Health Organization, from the UN Human Rights Council, the UN cultural agency UNESCO, a global agreement on climate change and the nuclear deal with Iran. But Biden, who took office in January, withdrawn withdrawal from the WHO, the United States returned to the climate agreement, reconnected with the Geneva-based Human R council and wants to rejoin the international nuclear agreement. (
