China DOUBLE EEUU lo ‘pay very caro’ if its envoy at the UN in Taiwan

Pekin, China

China advirtió este jueves a United States of America “I pay very dear” if its an ambassador before the ONU, Kelly Craft, visits Taiwan, it is as if it had made the next week.

In a communication, the Chinese mission ante United Nations urged to EE.UU. ‘n “detener su loca provocación,’ n geen crear new difficulties in China-EE.UU relations. and in the cooperation of the United Nations in the United States, it will have to advance by means of the equipped truck “.

“Queremos recording a United States which game with fugue is what. The United States will pay much attention to its equivocal action, “the Chinese delegation insisted.

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The Craft trip to Taiwan was announced by the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, and confirmed by the United Nations United Nations Mission, which states that the visit will take place between the 13th and 15th of January and will include meetings with high-ranking Taiwanese officials and members of the diplomatic community.

According to EE.UU., the ambassador will approve the visit to transfer Washington’s support to a Taiwanese mayor’s participation in the international sphere.

Taiwan is considered a sovereign territory with Gobierno and a political system propose both the number of Republic of China since the end of the civil war between nationalists and communists in 1949, but Pekín maintains that it is a rebellious province and insists on returning to what the common denominator is.

Donald Trump’s Governor has given priority to the fortification of relations with Taiwan, including the sale of arms, pit was in 1979 in Washington, with relations with Taipéi, which converts in informal, tras reconocate to the Popular Republic.

In his communication, l‘n chiión china ante la ONU recalls that “all forms of official contact between the United States and the Taiwan region” have been reached and Washington has agreed to use the Taiwanese question to endorse China’s “fundamental interests”.
