China Covid-19 ‘superspreader’ linked to 102 infections

The person, who worked as a salesman to promote health products for the elderly, traveled from his home province of Heilongjiang to neighboring Jilin province and took the virus with him.

Authorities allege that he unknowingly spread the virus among elderly residents for several days before being detected by health officials as a close contact with a confirmed case.

“The phenomenon of over-spread has occurred in our province, mainly because he discovered the super-distributor, he was still in the early stages of his infection and had a relatively strong ability to shed the virus,” said Zhao Qinglong, an official of the Jilin Provincial Disease Control and Prevention. center, the state-run news agency Xinhua said.

A widespread event occurs when an individual infects a large number of people due to a higher virus load in their droplets, or other factors such as behavior and timing.

The seemingly widespread event in Jilin took place when China had the worst coronavirus outbreak in months, in which hundreds of cases were reported and tens of millions of people were imprisoned in the northern provinces.

It also showed the extent and speed of contact detection and screening by Chinese health authorities, which played a crucial role in taming local outbreaks.

Detailed itinerary and privacy issues

The salesman was diagnosed as a confirmed case of Covid-19 Sunday, after he was initially identified as an asymptomatic carrier last Tuesday, according to the Jilin Provincial Health Commission. China records asymptomatic infections separately from the official number of cases.

The commission published a detailed itinerary of the sales trips in the week before testing positive for the virus, including four train rides (with its seat numbers listed), three bus rides and a metro ride that goes back and forth between Heilongjiang and Jilin.

The man held four ‘health seminars’ or marketing sessions for more than four days in community health clubs aimed at elderly residents in the cities of Gongzhuling and Tonghua in Jilin.

In total, the individual infected 79 people who attended the seminars and infected 23 of their close contacts, Zhang Yan, deputy director of the commission, said at a news conference on Sunday. The average age of those infected is 63, with the oldest 87, Zhang said.

All of the infected people were tracked down as close contacts of the man and placed under quarantine before being tested positive during medical observation, Zhang said.

Although an effective tool for detecting contact, disclosing the detailed travel history of coronavirus patients has also raised concerns about privacy in China.

Last month, a young woman in the southwestern city of Chengdu was publicly shamed on social media for her ‘decadent’ lifestyle as users attacked her for going to a bar and several nightclubs in the two weeks before being positive for tested the virus.

Community health clubs are being investigated

Jilin’s apparent spread has scrutinized the community’s health clubs through health experts and authorities, among others.

One of the health clubs, in the city of Tonghua, is located in a room on the ground floor of an old residential building, where 30 to 40 people attended the man’s seminar, with few masks, Xinhua reported.

“The infected people had long been gathered in an enclosed space,” Zhao, Jilin’s health officer, told Xinhua. “Most of them are middle-aged and elderly with underlying health conditions and weak immunity, and therefore extremely susceptible to infection.”

So-called “health clubs” for the elderly are becoming more common in residential communities in China, where marketing sessions, often referred to as ‘health lectures’, are held regularly to promote health products such as supplements and physical therapy equipment.

Unlike cinemas, restaurants, karaoke salons and other commercial venues, according to Xinhua, these clubs are often hidden in residential buildings and are difficult for authorities to regulate.

Jilin authorities are investigating whether the two health clubs where the man held promotions violated any regulations, a provincial market surveillance official told the news conference.
