China applies coronavirus anal probes; ‘its most efficient’, secure authorities | Univision Health News

A few months later, when China detects the SARS-CoV-2 broth, the government of this country has begun to apply anal test.

In agreement with Chinese media, the health authorities of this country have introduced a new protocol for the patients who find themselves in quarantine.

The specialists ensure that the method for detecting antibodies, in which a hippopotamus is used, is more effective than the nasal or the larynx.

One of the first tests that took place in a Pekín school, during the week of 9 years, had a positive result on the covid-19 test. Next, all alumni, masters and functionaries will perform tests that include anal hippopotamus.

Li Tongzeng, Deputy Director of Cargo of Infected Sickness at You’an Hospital in Beijing, told the Central Television of China that “studies have shown that coronavirus is so brief more time in the year or the excrements that the extracts of the superior tracts of the corpse. However, for some silent gatekeepers the virus can be present in the garnishment of thirty-five days, which allows some probable proportions to result in false positives ”.

Take an anal hippopotamus to increase the precision in key groups, signal Tongzeng. “Without embarrassment, given that the method is not as convenient as the gargantuan hippos, it will only be applied to key groups in the quarantine centers.”

Controversial method

This method of testing has been controversial among some experts.

Yang Zhanqiu, Deputy Director of the Department of Biology of Pathogens at the University of Wuhan, Dijo al Global Times given that it has been demonstrated that the virus is contraindicated in the superior respiratory tract in the digestive tract, the most effective tests are given by nasal and guinea pigs.

“Have cases related to the positive result of coronavirus in the excrement of a patient, per no evidence has suggested that it was transmitted through the digestive tract“, aggregate Yang.

Beijing announces that it will carry out antitrust measures against all foreign travelers entering China’s capital on December 10 in an effort to track down the transmission route in the latest racist infections in the local Daxing district, .

The experts in Chinese health say that the antidote tests for traveling travelers reveal that the broth in Daxing’s district is one of the first to inform the first case the domino, and the nuclear acid tests can not be found in the first patient .

