Chili rechaza tener en la mira a Miguel Herrera

ESPN Digital has had a couple of directives from the Chilean selection team, who said that ‘Piojo’ is an option for the banker

The President of the Football Federation of Chile, Pablo Milad, mentioned that Miguel Herrera is running for the Chilean National Team, pese a que el nombre del ‘Piojo’ ha sonado in las ultimas semanas en distintos medios locales.

ESPN Digital searched for Pablo Milad to talk about the topic and indicating form “for nothing, no interest type” and prefer not to dwell more on the theme of the difference in timetable between Mexico and the nation of Andina.

Asimismo, Ian Mac Niven, Head of National Selections, told Pablo Milad to say that “I have no related information”, tras enquirle if Miguel Herrera is on his plans to command ‘La Roja’.

In Chile, los medios aseguraban en la vispera that Miguel Herrera is in a tern of candidates to occupy the technical direction of selection.

Without embarrassment, there is no doubt that it is not the first time that the name of the High Executor of the United States has been released, and that “surely his agent is promoting”, it will be signaled to ESPN Digital.

A sector of the signal press that Néstor Pékerman, ex-Timonel of Toluca and Tigres, as the favorite, records that there is a trial with Colombia from 2012 to 2018.
