After 50 years, our country will be able to receive the new galleon donated by the Karolinska Institute of Sweden, but it has a scientific contribution to humanity, a hit for Latin America, which has only 5 awards in various areas of the country.

The Chilean Scientist Ricardo Maccioni has two nominations for the award Nobel de Medicina 2021, by contributing to Alzheimer’s awareness. The Doctor in Science is Academic of the University of Chile and will lead for more than 30 years the International Center for Biomedicine, which is dedicated to finding the cure for this neurodegenerative disorder.

Machines from the decade of the 70s have been dedicated to studying the behavior of neurons and microtubules present in them.

In the year 2000 the science was part of the study Unified theory of neuroinmunomodulation, which allows the first biomarker to detect the origin and the temporary detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

Currently under investigation and will be published in the journal Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease his new studio called New Frontiers in the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Sick Alzheimer’s, which proposes an integrated approach that includes preventive and pharmacological factors for the future control of illness.