Chile is correcting and saying that it will evacuate irregular migrants through polemics

The Sanitary authorities of Chile inform these juveniles that they are evacuating migrants who find themselves in an irregular situation, in contrast to what Gobierno announces the mercenaries and one of the critics of various migrant and human rights organizations.

“It is possible to evacuate all foreigners in Chile, but we will not allow the tourism of vacancies”, said the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, in a press conference.

The chancellor, Andrés Allamand, stated that both tourists and irregular migrants, who had not initiated the strike to normalize their situation in the country, were not included in the series of vacancies.

Without embarrassment, and despite the controversy over this occasion, the Paris Minister reiterated that the vacancy, which is free and voluntary, would be available to “anyone who finds himself in national territory” with the exception of women who are involved as tourists.

The head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Álvaro Bellolio, also explained to local media that “migrants who are in irregular shape in Chile are Fonasa A (a plan for basic and universal medical coverage, intended for those who have less economic resources), by they all have access to the vacancy “.

The agility with which Chile is leading the way in the immunization process against the covid-19 front of the rest of the Latin American countries has led to various media of extraneous communication and internal numbers disseminating information about Chile to.

Dos said when a Peruvian television station announced that “there are hundreds of ways to evacuate in Chile” and informs about different ways to read in order to inoculate, the Chilean Governor has just modified the immunization plan to avoid “denomination”.


The initial decision of the Gobierno, which would not immunize tourists or irregular migrants, would leave them homeless with the miles of foreigners who enter the last weeks on the frontier in Bolivia and are encroaching on sanitary camps that prevent quarantine, as well as many 1.5 million migrants living in the country.

“We are committed to correcting and maintaining the historic culture of Chilean public health, burning protection for the migrant population Independently of its migratory condition”, posted on Twitter the mercenaries of the President of the Medical College, Izkia Siches.

The Directorate for International Amnesty International, Erika Guevara, stated in a line that “neither Chile nor any other country will recover quickly or satisfactorily from this crisis if sanitation services are not provided to all persons without discrimination”.

Chile, which contains 760,000 march contagios and about 20,000 deces, has been vaccinated with at least a dose of 1.3 million people over a week of massive immunization, in its majority sanitary and adult population.

The country, which has approved the vacancies of Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac, has compromised more than 35 million doses of different laboratories.

The Gobierno’s objective is to inoculate the entire population – huge millions of people between major adults, chronic patients, sanitary staff during the first quarter of 2021 and the rest until June.
