Chile Chile: requisites and will allow you to obtain permission

One of the changes made by the authorities in the Plan Paso a Paso has the possibility to realize ownership, for those who are in quarantine.

According to the announcement, women living in municipalities that are in Phase 1 or 2 will have the benefit of realizing sports at a fixed time.

Hours and requirements for carrying out deportation

The French timetable is called “Elige Vivir Sano” and works for municipalities in Phase 1 and Phase 2, which residents can take ownership of between 7:00 and 8:30 of the month.

This franchise is available Monday at home in case of las municipalities in quarantine, means that for the municipalities in transition, regirá los sábado y domingo.

As in the municipalities in quarantine as in transition, it will not be necessary to ask permission in the Virtual Commission to work to make deportation during the established schedule.

The activities that are allowed are all those water that can be realized in an individual way, for example, walk, walk, breathe in a bicycle. It is desirable that we do not have to carry out collective activities.
