Cheney picks up victories ahead of her next battle with Trumpworld

“I do not know that Cheney would describe it as a finish line. She’s just a fighter, “said Amy Edmonds, a former Cheney associate and former Wyoming lawmaker.

This perspective can serve Cheney well, as her challenges are far from over. She has yet to close the approval of her party in the deep red state of Wyoming next August, giving enough time for pro-Trump forces to mobilize against her – although she is likely to benefit from multiple pro-Trump candidates running for the same job competition. However, if Cheney can hang on to her home chair, her ability to climb the Republican leadership corps could still be hampered by her vote against a former president who is said to be obsessed with dismantling the Republicans who helped accuse him .

‘She’s talked to people there before [in the state]. Sometimes people are not happy, “Edmonds added,” but she will not and will never regret the vote against former President Donald Trump.

Cheney was once a fast-rising star in the IDP and was a future speaker; she even accepted a Senate bid last year to seek her political fate in the House. Now several Republicans believe that Cheney will again struggle to clinch their number 3 position in the leadership corps next year, when she will surely get a challenge for the post.

“Definitely not,” Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio) said, who supported February’s inadequate effort to support Cheney from leadership. “Doubt if she wins Wyoming.”

“Maybe she’s going to run in Northern Virginia again,” he added, taking a moment at her home outside of DC.

Several ambitious Republican lawmakers are already munching on Cheney’s heels. Rep. Jim Banks (Indian), chairman of the Conservative Republican Study Committee, last week drafted a memo to House House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy outlining a competitive vision for the party’s future, designed to help Cheney to notify. The message from banks shows that a post-Trump GOP is still struggling with internal tensions over its direction.

“You may have seen that I think a lot about the future of our party and how we benefit from the gift that Donald Trump gave us, which was his connection to working class voters,” Banks said in an internal email on Friday. to the RSC acquired by POLITICO. “Because of Trump, the GOP has undergone a coalition transformation and is now the working class party.”

“We have to accept it. Do not fight against it, “Banks added.

But Cheney is not standing back. She was asked during a call from the Congressional Institute last week about the Banks memorandum and strongly refuted its contents, according to sources familiar with the exchange. Cheney argued that the IDP is not the party of class warfare and that the division of society into classes is neo-Marxist and wrong.

And in public and private conversations – including during a recent fundraiser with her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney -, sources describe Cheney as clear in her view that Trump’s embrace is not only constitutionally indefensible but also politically charged. consequences. The GOP lost the House, Senate and White House after four years of Trump, she noted.

Cheney has a healthy persuasive thing to do, with Republicans still largely in Trump’s corner after his Senate acquittal for inciting the deadly uprising of the Capitol. More than any other Republican who stepped down from the former president after Jan. 6, her future – both in Congress and at home – will show whether Trump dresses have room to stay and even rise within the Grand Old Party.

‘Yes, there is a headwind, but … the intensity has started to decrease. And I think part of that is when you have a distance, ” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) Said, one of the ten Republicans of the House who voted to accuse Trump. ‘I think her profile has increased significantly and her status [in the GOP] increases every day. ”

It is still unclear whether Cheney wants to remain in the IDP leadership team at the next congress. She has publicly clashed with McCarthy, and the two in particular have not appeared together at their regular weekly press conference since the awkward moment on Feb. 25 when they divorced over Trump’s role in the party.

Allies, however, insisted that their working relationship was good and noted that they continued with regular private leadership meetings. McCarthy and Cheney are also in line with the IDP’s policy agenda.

Some lawmakers believe Cheney could seek an exit at the next congress by obtaining a leading committee post, where her opinion on Trump will receive less attention, but where she can still serve as a high voice in the party for conservative priorities. Others think she could position herself for a final bid in the White House – in 2024 or later.

For now, however, Cheney is embellishing her leadership work, which has enabled her to focus on opposing President Joe Biden and regaining the House majority. Last week, she and Representative Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) Toured her home state to hear from local stakeholders in the energy industry. She also threw red meat at the base and hammered Biden about the emerging migration crisis and the proposed tax increases in his infrastructure plan.

The shift of GOP lawmakers and strategists helped the shift cool the anger on Cheney and made Republicans refocus on her political gifts.

“Not only did she endure the storm, she also thrived in the storm,” said Doug Heye, a former Republican National Committee spokesman. But, he added, “it will come in peaks and valleys. Trump does not currently dominate the entire political conversation. ”

Meanwhile, Gaetz – an antagonist who was so dedicated that he flew to Wyoming to pull her along during a campaign – has to put out his own fires. The Justice Department is reportedly investigating his alleged relationship with a 17-year-old and whether he violates sex trafficking laws or pays women for sex, and few Republicans are taking action to defend him.

“I absolutely believe that it harms Gaetz’s credibility and in turn the credibility of all these people who want to hold a referendum on the direction of the party,” said Matt Micheli, former chairman of the Wyoming GOP. ‘Is this the party of Matt Gaetz or Liz Cheney? Well, let’s see, what do most people want? ‘

Cheney’s opponents argue that it will be much harder for her to defeat a leadership challenge if she is forced to face someone. But they had underestimated her once before: Cheney’s critics, including Gaetz, cried that earlier this year they had the votes to defeat her before taking their thrones, with the support of 145 Republicans in power.

“This is a landslide in any election. The numbers speak for themselves, ‘said rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) Said. ‘Liz will have to decide if she wants to stay in leadership, [or] whatever she wants to run for. But since the news of her death as conference chair was widespread, I would say that her victory was quite overwhelming. ”
