Chef Yisus’ sad sadness to his failed mother

Jesús Alberto Díaz, known as the boss Yisus, sufrió un duro golpe admit debido al failecimiento de su madre este fin de semana. By means of a written sense, the Venezuelan talent that shines in the kitchen of Despierta America (Univision) dio el ultimo adios a su progenitora junto a una image de recuerdo y otra sosteniendo la mano de su “viejita querida”, las cuales ha conmovido a sus seguidores. Doña Gloria Sánchez de Díaz, failure in the madrugada of the sabbath of March 6, a battle of battles with an ill-fated worm, which has taken some years.

Chef Yisus together with his mother and his family© @ elyisustv
The chef Yisus gives him the ultimate goodbye to his mother

“Fuiste y seras SIEMPRE mi bastón, mi alimento, mi motor, la mujer de mi vida. It was not enough to suffocate to sleep, so I was also intrigued by the noise. I teach everything with examples, but my words and scripts are always false. Hago EVERYTHING I think about it because if it’s all better for me, ”it reads on the first lines of the virtual virtual map.

Continuing with the eternal gratitude to his mother for always being on his side: resbalón ”, signal.

Chef Yisus also praised the good relationship that existed between us: “We are a great living team. You do not manejabas pero yo si, tú cocinabas grasoso y yo sano, tú llorabas y yo reía, tu caminabas y yo corría, no las ganamos todas pero al final fuimos kampeones.

Sjef Yisus le da ultimo adiós a su madre© @ elyisustv
The Venezuelan chef dedicates a motif to words

And to be final, the most honest thing about the big vacation that provokes his party in them and them. “Our days with me are mymanas the best and most great herence that exists, our salute, our principles and you as a model tattooed in the alma mater. Please do not hesitate to send these infinite messages detailing how to make it to triumph and become better person. TE AMO MUCHO MADRE ”, sentence.

His work companions express their condolences and support totally for the chic pantyhose ante is irreparable lost, between them Chiqui Delgado, Karla Martínez, Francisca Lachapel, Satcha Pretto, among others.

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