Checo Pérez demands on Pemex, advertising payment of 58 million pesos

Mexico City /

El pilot of Formula 1, Sergio Pérez advertise the payment of 2.8 million dollars (58 million pesos) a MG1 Integral Assistance, una empresa uitkontraktering de Pemex, la cual le retiró “the patrocinio of early form and with mal fe”, a contract that deals with the patronage of Pemex, agreed the October 9, 2018 and tod el 2019, but this is the last year he has not been charged for sex.

The petroler argues that he has “other guest priorities” because he could not follow up with the patronage for the 2019 season, so he should know the Chihuahua diary.

How is the litigation between Checo and Pérez?

According to the SDPnoticias portal, there are points to be discussed in this case and on the current state of litigation.

Y es que el Juzgado Noveno de Distrito en Materia Civil received Checo Pérez’s petition to secure MGI accounts 2.8 million dollars, como medida cautelar.

But I do not want to say that everything is dicho, ya que el juez Rodolfo Sánchez Zepeda dictated the October 9th passed sentence, in which it was completed in part and condensed in part to MGI, for the sentence only has not been published by the judge, it is debated whether both parties will appeal the sentence before a unitary court, because the final case will be extended by several months.
