Charly López’s hat can be chanted on social media

El exgaribaldi Charly López revealed that one year ago his wife was a victim of a pornography, human and inclusive treatment has been extorted by social media; it’s a lie that the edons minor edad establish conversation with a supuesta joven por Facebook, who later posted the photo photos without ropa.

The song Charly López comment that luego de varios messasjes, la muchacha le comenzó a pedir photos without ropa a su hijo, situation that genero desconza in el joven y acudió con su padre para saber qué hacer.

“My father’s father told me he was taking a picture as’, and when we believe that he has 20 followers, the day is false for you and for him. Entonces to write ‘soja el papá …’ y dejó de escribirle, no photo or photos, ni vers, ni nada ”, recorded the famous, in interview for ‘Venga la Alegría’.

Charly López pide a hijo not share photos with extras

Además, Charly López destacó que seempre ha ha chelcado a su hijo he respect de su cuerpo ya no dejarse de nadie más, pues desde muy chico le ha advertido de los peligros de las social networks.

“Literally, (le dije) no te grabes, no too tomes photos, te van ‘n pedir que mandes fotos de tu cara, de tu cuerpo … ya sabe perfectione que no lo debe hacer, but it has not been released since time immemorial ”, mencionó.

The song also expresses that one maintains open communication with his hijo on all the themes, to avoid any harm like this or that inclusive offensive sexually by some known or external person.

“Since it’s chic, since it’s me, I’m not a mom, not a dad, not abuelos, not tios, not a dad can talk to me, if not a mom or a dad, I’m any other person. Always have you been vigilant in this sense and always hablamos abiertamente de la sexualidad, abirtament of sex, of condon, abirtament of all ”, express.

Charly López ensure that nadie is willing to supremate this type of acoso and internet traverses, by accounts in its false majority, and is exemplified, and that it has also received similar propositions in its social speeches.

“In speeches that are gay, women too, but about all so many men that repentance is blocking, because it is contested and my dicen cosas muy lindas… Pero ya cuando te mandan DM (Mensaje Directo) con fotos no me gusta, no es porque sea persignado sino porque ya empiezan con algo molesto y no digo nada, nada más los bloqueo ”, confession.

To finalize, Charly López hizo un llamado a los jóvenes para ne dejarse llevar por lo que se ve internet ya tener cuidado de con quiènes hablan, por su security and his family.

“It’s much engaño, mucha mentira, tengan mucho cuidado y si van a salir y enamorarse de alguien, que sea de alguien que conozcan de carne y hueso, las redes sociales se han vuelto un arma de dos filos. This photo can have an adult male, a female adult and performs for the treatment of whites and for the sequels. Tengan mucho cuidado ”, sugirió.

Charly López asks the girls to take a look at a photo
