“Charlie” Delgado suffers accident in Maricao

The candidate for governor and president of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Carlos “Charlie” Delgado Altieri, suffered a car accident last night, March, in Maricao’s people.

According to the portal noticiasprtv.com, Delgado viajaba in his vehicle BMW when the same resbalo in a curve of the car 357, where he has a tierra de talud.

The unfortunate incident involving Isabela’s exaltation regressed to the high level of participation in the judicial acts of Wilfredo “Juny” Ruiz as the new Municipal Mandate of the People’s Republic.

Delgado Altieri dijo made declarations written that the accident was due to characterization and that the use of a car was not needed to repair the car. Also received medical attention for the incident.

The politician denied that the vehicle had crashed into a roadblock and that it was moving to his residence in the car.

Maricao tendrá alcalde populêr por primera vez en 28 jaar
